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What does the Rashi say about the future of Ram Mandir?


Tomorrow i.e. on 22nd January, Ram temple is going to be inaugurated in Ayodhya. It seems that after so many years, Ram ji is returning to his door. And not only that, but the cast is also over and a new life is about to begin. Here I am going to tell you what the future of Ram Mandir will be like. Which is according to my understanding. You should definitely do your research on this information

The lord of this house is Jupiter.

The time when the temple will be inaugurated is very auspicious for the temple. Worship will start in the temple at 6 am on January 22.
At this time, Guru will be seated in Lagan. From which it can be understood that the temple will be decorated with great splendor because at that time Shukra Maharaj would have arrived in Guru's house carrying wealth and wealth with him. There is no doubt that the beauty of our Ram temple makes one feel full of grandeur. He will be ready to worship his gods with pride, describing his bravery, spreading his flag and showing the splendor of his country. If you like our service then you can use Talk to Astrologer paid service for more information about life.

Ram Temple worship: Morning ritual

Because the worship of Ram temple will start at 6 in the morning, accordingly the temple will be very tall, very strong and completely developed. Which will be angular in appearance and the front main door will be wide. The room with room for expansion will also be bigger and wider. If you want to know more about our fascinating and truth-filled knowledge then use our uninterrupted service Chat with Astrologer.
Whatever I am telling you, I am telling it as per my knowledge because till now I have not visited the Ram temple.

Awaken senses for enriched wealth, knowledge, speech

Whenever people sit here, they will have to face a big crowd whenever they come. And after coming, you will feel very knowledgeable, powerful and capable of speaking your mind. The meaning of eating is that when people come to their senses, they will get more results in terms of their wealth, knowledge and speech related matters. If you want to get more benefits then consult our expert Advice with Astrologer

Prasad distribution, Temple funds, Sanatam propagation, Wise investment

The more the Prasad made in the temple is distributed, the more money there will be in the temple and Sanatam will be propagated. Instead of keeping the money coming to the temple with yourself, you should invest it in the bank through someone else or consider investing it. It means that the temple organization should not use its name for earning money.

the announcement of Ram Rajya

For a bright future, the Ram temple signifies not just the announcement of Ram Rajya, but also drives vigorous efforts for its establishment, fostering unity and acceptance in Sanatam worship practices

For a bright future, we will get a lot of support from the people of our country and a lot of money will also come along with it will also bring devotees and rituals. If there is a temple of Ram ji, then there will be not only the announcement of Ram Rajya, in the coming days, vigorous work will also be done for its establishment. . People will not compare or hate Sanatam with the method of worship. If you want to make your life better, then consult our educated and degree holder astrologer.

Best Days Ayodhya's promising future

In Ayodhya's promising future, residents are poised to become highly knowledgeable individuals, transcending religious and caste boundaries, with the anticipation of a golden era marked by rapid growth in employment, business, and wealth.

There is no doubt that the people living there will emerge as very knowledgeable people in the times to come. It is not related to any religion or caste. There is no doubt that the times to come will be golden days for Ayodhya. There is a possibility of growth in employment, business and wealth very rapidly.


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