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What does the Rashi say about the future of Ram Mandir?

   Tomorrow i.e. on 22nd January, Ram temple is going to be inaugurated in Ayodhya. It seems that after so many years, Ram ji is returning to his door. And not only that, but the cast is also over and a new life is about to begin. Here I am going to tell you what the future of Ram Mandir will be like. Which is according to my understanding. You should definitely do your research on this information The lord of this house is Jupiter. The time when the temple will be inaugurated is very auspicious for the temple. Worship will start in the temple at 6 am on January 22. At this time, Guru will be seated in Lagan. From which it can be understood that the temple will be decorated with great splendor because at that time Shukra Maharaj would have arrived in Guru's house carrying wealth and wealth with him. There is no doubt that the beauty of our Ram temple makes one feel full of grandeur. He will be ready to worship his gods with pride, describing his bravery, spreading his flag and show
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